Advancing Sports Performance Using Motion Capture Technology

In a recent review article published in the journal Sensors, researchers comprehensively explored the current state of the art and prospects of motion capture technology (MCT) in sports.

Study: Advancing Sports Performance Using Motion Capture Technology. Image Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock
Study: Advancing Sports Performance Using Motion Capture Technology. Image Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock

They compared and evaluated various motion capture systems, including cinematography capture, electromagnetic capture, computer vision capture, and multimodal capture, in terms of their characteristics, advantages, and limitations. Additionally, they discussed typical application scenarios and research questions associated with MCT in sports. Moreover, the research emphasized its potential to revolutionize athletic performance analysis, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.


MCT offers a robust solution for analyzing and enhancing human performance in sports. It involves recording and translating movement into digital data, which can then be processed and manipulated. This technology provides detailed kinematic and kinetic data, offering insights into the complex interplay of the nervous system, muscles, bones, and joints during athletic activities.

Additionally, motion capture provides objective, quantifiable data that can optimize training programs, prevent injuries, and improve overall athletic performance. It has applications in various fields, including rehabilitation, sports training, and human movement biomechanics. However, the rapid advancement and diversification of motion capture technologies present challenges for practitioners in selecting the most appropriate tools for their specific needs.

About the Research

In this review, the authors provided a comprehensive overview of motion capture technologies used in sports, aiming to bridge the gap between technological advancements and practical implementation. They conducted an extensive literature search focusing on the development, validation, and application of these technologies, adhering to specific inclusion criteria. These criteria ensured that selected articles involved MCT in sports contexts provided detailed information on the motion capture system, its validation, or its application, and presented original research findings or technical advancements.

The search results covered various motion capture systems, including traditional optical systems, wearable sensor-based systems, and computer vision-based approaches. The study compared and analyzed the characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each technology, offering valuable guidance for researchers and practitioners in selecting the most suitable motion capture methods for their specific applications. Additionally, the authors discussed the current state-of-the-art applications of MCT in sports, underscoring its potential to revolutionize athletic performance analysis, injury prevention, and rehabilitation.

Significance of MCT

The review emphasized that cinematography capture systems were widely considered the gold standard for motion capture. These systems employed optical markers to calibrate the spatial coordinate system and precisely determine the real three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of the subject. While they offered high accuracy and were suitable for biomechanical analysis, they had limitations such as occlusion issues, fixed capture areas, and interference with natural movements due to markers.

In contrast, electromagnetic capture systems such as inertial measurement units (IMUs), ultra-wideband (UWB), and local position measurement (LPM), provided advantages in terms of flexibility in scenarios, occlusion resistance, and real-time performance. IMU-based sensors were compact and commonly utilized in motion analysis. UWB systems enabled high-precision indoor tracking, while LPM offered benefits in deployment complexity and positioning areas. However, electromagnetic systems might have lacked accuracy in comparison to optical systems and required precise sensor placement.

Computer vision-based capture systems have advanced significantly with deep learning. Pose estimation algorithms allowed capture from video inputs, markerless motion, fast speed, offering high accuracy, and minimal interference with movements. These systems have applications in sports performance analysis, rehabilitation, and biomechanical research. However, they faced limitations due to the absence of sport-specific datasets, impacting their capability in complex sports scenarios. Techniques such as few-shot learning could potentially address this challenge.

Multimodal motion capture systems, integrating data from various sensors, presented a promising technique for complex sports. By leveraging different technologies like vision sensors, multimodal systems could achieve high accuracy, and robustness to diverse environments. However, these systems face challenges due to data synchronization, complexity, and higher costs.


The paper presented examples of typical application scenarios and research questions involving MCT in sports. These include:

  • Analyzing the biomechanics of swimming strokes, investigating the kinematic factors affecting soccer kicking performance, and optimizing the training and tactics of football players through the use of cinematography capture systems.
  • Assessing postural control and balance, monitoring physiological state and workload, and evaluating sport-specific movements by employing wearable sensor-based systems.
  • Recognizing and classifying human actions, tracking and estimating human poses, and visualizing and analyzing human motion with the help of computer vision-based systems.
  • Capturing and reconstructing complex and large-scale motions, integrating data from multiple sources and modalities, and improving the accuracy and reliability of motion capture through the utilization of multimodal systems.


The researchers summarized that MCT presents advantages and applications in the realm of sports, facilitating the analysis and improvement of human performance in athletic endeavors. They also highlighted the existing challenges and constraints of MCT in sports contexts, proposing potential avenues for future research and development.

Moreover, they envisioned a future where MCT in sports would see broader and deeper utilization, supporting healthier, more scientifically informed, and more efficient training methodologies.

Journal reference:
Muhammad Osama

Written by

Muhammad Osama

Muhammad Osama is a full-time data analytics consultant and freelance technical writer based in Delhi, India. He specializes in transforming complex technical concepts into accessible content. He has a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in AI & Robotics from Galgotias University, India, and he has extensive experience in technical content writing, data science and analytics, and artificial intelligence.


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