Large Language Models in Astronomy Can Boost Research but Pose Ethical Risks

As LLMs reshape astronomy research, scientists are discovering both groundbreaking benefits and serious risks—can AI enhance productivity without compromising scientific integrity?

Image Credit: DALL·E 3. Prompt: Can you draw a scientific image of a tidally disrupted globular cluster with tidal tails? Research: What is the Role of Large Language Models in the Evolution of Astronomy Research?Image Credit: DALL·E 3. Prompt: Can you draw a scientific image of a tidally disrupted globular cluster with tidal tails? Answer: Here is the scientific illustration of a tidally disrupted globular cluster with tidal tails as requested! Let me know if you need any further adjustments. Research: What is the Role of Large Language Models in the Evolution of Astronomy Research?

*Important notice: arXiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.

A recent article posted to the arXiv preprint* server comprehensively explored the potential of large language models (LLMs) in astronomy research. The study, involving many astronomers across different career stages and fields, aimed to evaluate the applications and limitations of LLMs in supporting research. While LLMs offer exciting potential, the authors stressed that integrating them into scientific workflows must be done with great caution, especially due to concerns over research integrity.

The researchers in Germany highlighted both the benefits and challenges of integrating LLMs into scientific workflows. They included the risk of over-reliance on these models, which could undermine critical scientific processes like peer review and manuscript assessment. They emphasized the need for critical thinking and domain expertise to complement these advanced tools.

Evolution of Language Models

LLMs are advanced AI systems designed to understand and generate human-like text. Their development has progressed significantly since the 1980s when the first statistical models, like n-grams, were introduced. Modern models, such as the chat generative pre-trained transformer (ChatGPT), have transformed multiple fields by providing powerful tools for various applications. Trained on large datasets, these models excel at tasks like ideation, literature review, coding, drafting, and outreach.

However, the researchers warned that despite their impressive capabilities, LLMs still face significant challenges, particularly in producing accurate, reliable outputs in all contexts. The development of transformers has significantly improved their performance, enabling better analysis and generation of data sequences. This advancement has made LLMs more accessible and led to rapid adoption across various sectors.

About the Research

In this paper, the authors examined the applications and limitations of LLMs in astronomy research. Over several months, they conducted a series of experiments to evaluate LLM performance in various research tasks.

The study involved 13 participants, including graduate students, post-docs, and staff scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy. An anonymous survey was used to gather participants' experiences and attitudes toward LLMs. Ethical concerns, especially regarding the hallucination of false information and the possible erosion of scientific rigor, were key considerations throughout the study. The main goals were identifying tasks suited for LLMs, assessing their impact on the research, and addressing ethical concerns.


The researchers employed a structured approach to evaluate LLMs across different tasks. Participants were encouraged to incorporate LLMs into their daily research activities and document their experiences and results. The focus was on four main areas: writing assistance, literature review, coding, and data analysis.

A range of LLM services, including ChatGPT, Grammarly, and GitHub Copilot, was used to test their capabilities. Regular meetings were held to discuss progress, share insights, and coordinate efforts. Additionally, a survey collected feedback from a broader group of astronomers, providing further context and perspectives. The authors also explored how LLMs could compromise scientific integrity by automating tasks that require careful human judgment, such as peer review and the evaluation of research manuscripts.

Key Findings and Insights

The study revealed several key findings about the use of LLMs in astronomy research. For writing assistance, LLMs effectively generated and improved text, summarized information, and offered suggestions for structure and content. These tools were especially helpful for non-native English speakers and those experiencing writer's block.

Notably, 72% of survey participants used LLMs for this purpose. While LLMs enhanced academic texts' readability, structure, and content, their overall contribution was relatively modest. They helped scientists understand complex topics and draft paper templates, but the generated text often required significant refinement to meet academic standards.

In literature reviews, LLMs summarized scientific papers, extracted key information, and identified relevant research across disciplines, streamlining the process. However, the accuracy of these summaries varied, and the researchers emphasized that relying on LLMs without thorough verification could lead to significant misinterpretations.

In coding, data analysis, and software development, LLMs were valuable for generating and debugging code, translating programming languages, and performing data analysis tasks. These models helped scientists complete tasks faster, with 92% of participants using LLMs for coding assistance, thus enhancing productivity. However, the accuracy of the generated code varied, necessitating user verification and refinement.

Furthermore, the study highlighted important ethical considerations when using LLMs, discussing issues such as hallucinations, where LLMs produce false or misleading information. The authors stressed that hallucinations, even if rare, could severely impact the credibility of research findings if not caught and corrected. Additionally, concerns about over-reliance on these tools were raised. The authors emphasized the need for critical thinking and domain expertise to complement LLM use, particularly in peer review and assessment tasks, where LLMs’ inability to accurately evaluate novel scientific concepts could undermine the rigor of the research process.


This research has several practical applications in astronomy. LLMs can enhance productivity by automating routine tasks, providing real-time guidance, and facilitating creative work. They can assist in drafting academic papers, summarizing literature, generating code, and analyzing data. However, the researchers urged caution in using LLMs in tasks that influence scientific validation, such as manuscript reviews and grant proposals, where human expertise remains indispensable.

These tools can also help bridge language barriers, making scientific contributions more accessible. However, researchers must remain aware of LLMs' limitations and ethical implications, ensuring these tools serve as aids rather than substitutes for rigorous scientific inquiry.

Conclusions and Future Directions

In summary, LLMs demonstrated effectiveness and transformative potential for astronomy research. However, the authors were clear that without proper oversight, these tools could pose risks to scientific integrity, particularly in cases where their use is unmonitored. They recommended that astronomers integrate LLMs into their workflows to enhance productivity and creativity. However, they also highlighted the need for critical oversight and adherence to ethical standards.

Future work should focus on improving the accuracy and reliability of LLMs, addressing ethical concerns, and exploring new applications in scientific research. By leveraging the strengths of LLMs while mitigating their weaknesses, astronomers can harness these tools to advance the field and drive innovation.

*Important notice: arXiv publishes preliminary scientific reports that are not peer-reviewed and, therefore, should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or treated as established information.

Journal reference:
  • Preliminary scientific report. Fouesneau, M., & et, al. What is the Role of Large Language Models in the Evolution of Astronomy Research, arXiv, 2024, 2409, 20252. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2409.20252,
Muhammad Osama

Written by

Muhammad Osama

Muhammad Osama is a full-time data analytics consultant and freelance technical writer based in Delhi, India. He specializes in transforming complex technical concepts into accessible content. He has a Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in AI & Robotics from Galgotias University, India, and he has extensive experience in technical content writing, data science and analytics, and artificial intelligence.


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